DAUSOS: Full House of Gods
Dausos: the Full House of Gods is an all-new card game that takes the experience of playing cards to the next level. The game is inspired by the Pantheon of Baltic Gods and it features two complementary decks of playing cards. Moreover, the creator of this project has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter […]
Life After Life Tee
T-Shirts available on Etsy: https://taudesigngifts.etsy.com/listing/1568174425
The White begins and…the Black win The abstract sculptural design of the chess set is inspired by the image of the architectural phenomenon of obelisk, which is as old as the chess itself. The chess set design focuses on a segment of luxury accessories and gifts. The kit is comfortably fitted into a leather-coated box […]
Misija Lietuva 100
Misija Lietuva 100 Artėja Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo šimtmetis. Verta susimąstyti. Kaip ir dėl ko gyvename? Koks yra šiandien Lietuvos tikslas? Dėl Lietuvos saugumo ir suklestėjimo įstojome į NATO, Europos Sąjungą, įsivedėme eurą. Kas toliau? Neprarasti Lietuvos! Kurti naują Lietuvą – Pasaulio Lietuvą! Integruodamiesi į globalias karines, politines, ekonomines struktūras žingsnis po žingsnio netenkame dalies nepriklausomos […]
Misija Lietuva 100 Logo
Cili Pica
Nec facilisis in sagittis etiam.
Lithuanian Social Democratic Party
IWA & Outdoor Classic (2012-2014)
In the world largest annual exhibition „IWA & Outdoor Classic 2012“ which took place in Nürnberg (Germany), Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide which is a world known manufacturer of optical products, introduced its new products in a new exhibition stand, which will represent the company at different exhibitions for the coming 2-4 years. The space of […]
Sapieha Palace
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